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28. Notes_Gospel of Matthew_NABRE Chapter 28

 Read Chapter 28: The Gospel According to Matthew മത്തായി അദ്ധ്യായം- 28 P. O. C ബൈബിള്‍ Study Notes: Matthew Chapter 28 - The Resurrection of Jesus 1. The Resurrection and Empty Tomb    - Matthew 28:1-8    a. Arrival at the Tomb:       - After the Sabbath, on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb (Matthew 28:1).    b. Supernatural Events:       - A great earthquake occurred, and an angel descended from heaven, rolling back the stone from the tomb (Matthew 28:2).       - The angel's appearance was dazzling, with clothing as white as snow (Matthew 28:3).       - The guards were frightened and paralyzed with fear (Matthew 28:4).    c. Angel's Message to the Women:       - The angel reassured the women, telling them not to be afraid and proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus (Matthew 28:5-7).    d. Response of the Women:       - The women, fearful yet overjoyed, ran to share the news with the disciples (Matthew 28:8).

27. Notes_Gospel of Matthew_NABRE Chapter 27

Read Chapter 27: The Gospel According to Matthew മത്തായി അദ്ധ്യായം - 27 P. O. C ബൈബിള് ‍ Study notes Matthew Chapter 27: 1.       Counsel Against Jesus (Matthew 27:1) -           Chief priests and elders conspire against Jesus, seeking counsel to put him to death. 2.       Jesus Handed Over to Pilate (Matthew 27:2) -           Jesus is bound, led away, and handed over to Pilate, the Roman governor. 3.       Judas' Regret (Matthew 27:3) -           Judas, witnessing Jesus' condemnation, deeply regrets betraying Him. -           He returns the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders. 4.       Fate of the Silver (Matthew 27:5-7) -           Judas throws the money into the temple, expressing remorse. -           The chief priests use the money to buy the potter's field as a burial place. 5.       Jesus Before Pilate (Matthew 27:11-14) -           Pilate questions Jesus about being the King of the Jews. -           Jesus remains mos

26. Notes_Gospel of Matthew_NABRE Chapter 26

Read Chapter 26: The Gospel According to Matthew  മത്തായി അദ്ധ്യായം- 26 P. O. C ബൈബിള്‍ Study Notes on Matthew Chapter 26 1. Conspiracy Against Jesus (Matthew 26:1-5)    - Jesus predicts his crucifixion during the Passover festival.    - Chief priests and elders plot to arrest and kill Jesus secretly.    - They decide not to act during the festival to avoid public unrest. 2. The Anointing at Bethany (Matthew 26:6-13)    - Jesus is anointed with costly perfumed oil by a woman at the house of Simon the leper.    - Disciples criticize the "waste" of the oil, but Jesus defends her, emphasizing the significance of the act.     - Jesus mentions that this anointing is in preparation for his burial. 3. The Betrayal by Judas (Matthew 26:14-16)    - Judas Iscariot, one of the Twelve, agrees to betray Jesus to the chief priests for thirty pieces of silver.    - Judas seeks an opportunity to hand Jesus over. 4. Preparations for the Passover (Matthew 26:17-19)   

24. Notes_Gospel of Matthew_NABRE Chapter 24

Read Chapter 24: The Gospel According to Matthew മത്തായി   അദ്ധ്യായം - 24 P. O. C    ബൈബിള് ‍ Study Notes: Matthew Chapter 24   1.   The Destruction of the Temple Foretold (Matthew 24:1-2) - Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple. - Disciples approach Jesus to point out the temple buildings. - Jesus foretells the complete destruction of the temple.   2.   The Beginning of Calamities (Matthew 24:3-14) - Disciples inquire about the timing and signs of Jesus' coming and the end of the age. - Jesus warns against deception and false messiahs. - Predictions of wars, famines, earthquakes, and persecutions. - Believers will face hatred, betrayal, and false prophets. - The gospel will be preached worldwide before the end.   3. The Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:15-28) - Reference to the desolating abomination from Daniel's prophecy. - Urgent instructions for those in Judea to flee. - Warnings about false messiahs and false prophets. - Cosmic