28. Notes_Gospel of Matthew_NABRE Chapter 28

 Read Chapter 28: The Gospel According to Matthew

മത്തായി അദ്ധ്യായം- 28 P. O. C ബൈബിള്‍

Study Notes: Matthew Chapter 28 - The Resurrection of Jesus

1. The Resurrection and Empty Tomb   - Matthew 28:1-8

   a. Arrival at the Tomb:

      - After the Sabbath, on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb (Matthew 28:1).

   b. Supernatural Events:

      - A great earthquake occurred, and an angel descended from heaven, rolling back the stone from the tomb (Matthew 28:2).

      - The angel's appearance was dazzling, with clothing as white as snow (Matthew 28:3).

      - The guards were frightened and paralyzed with fear (Matthew 28:4).

   c. Angel's Message to the Women:

      - The angel reassured the women, telling them not to be afraid and proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus (Matthew 28:5-7).

   d. Response of the Women:

      - The women, fearful yet overjoyed, ran to share the news with the disciples (Matthew 28:8).

2. The Report of the Guard - Matthew 28:11-15

   a. Witnesses' Actions:

      - Some of the guards went to the chief priests to report what happened at the tomb (Matthew 28:11).

   b. Collusion and Bribery:

      - The chief priests, elders, and guards conspired to spread the false narrative that Jesus' disciples stole his body while they were asleep (Matthew 28:12-15).

   c. Enduring Rumors:

      - The fabricated story persisted among the Jews up to the time of Matthew's writing (Matthew 28:15).

3. The Commissioning of the Disciples    - Matthew 28:16-20

   a. The Disciples' Journey to Galilee:

      - The eleven disciples went to the appointed mountain in Galilee as Jesus had instructed (Matthew 28:16).

   b. Encounter with Jesus:

      - Upon seeing Jesus, the disciples worshipped, although some doubted (Matthew 28:17).

   c. Jesus' Authority Proclaimed:

      - Jesus declared his universal authority in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18).

   d. Great Commission:

      - Jesus commissioned the disciples to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19).

   e. Teaching and Presence:

      - Disciples were instructed to teach others to observe Jesus' commands with the assurance of His continual presence until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).

References for Additional Context and Interpretation:

   - The notes provide insights into Matthew's unique perspective on the resurrection narrative, highlighting theological and contextual elements.

   - The references elucidate the distinctiveness of Matthew's account compared to other Gospel narratives.


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