24. Notes_Gospel of Matthew_NABRE Chapter 24

Read Chapter 24: The Gospel According to Matthew

മത്തായി അദ്ധ്യായം- 24 P. O. C  ബൈബിള്

Study Notes: Matthew Chapter 24


1.  The Destruction of the Temple Foretold (Matthew 24:1-2)

- Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple.

- Disciples approach Jesus to point out the temple buildings.

- Jesus foretells the complete destruction of the temple.


2.  The Beginning of Calamities (Matthew 24:3-14)

- Disciples inquire about the timing and signs of Jesus' coming and the end of the age.

- Jesus warns against deception and false messiahs.

- Predictions of wars, famines, earthquakes, and persecutions.

- Believers will face hatred, betrayal, and false prophets.

- The gospel will be preached worldwide before the end.


3. The Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:15-28)

- Reference to the desolating abomination from Daniel's prophecy.

- Urgent instructions for those in Judea to flee.

- Warnings about false messiahs and false prophets.

- Cosmic disturbances and the coming of the Son of Man.


4. The Coming of the Son of Man (Matthew 24:29-31)

- Description of cosmic signs after the tribulation.

- The sign of the Son of Man appears in heaven.

- The Son of Man comes on the clouds with power and glory.

- Angels are sent to gather the elect from all directions.


6.  The Lesson of the Fig Tree (Matthew 24:32-35)

- Parable of the fig tree as a lesson in recognizing signs.

- Assurance that the generation witnessing these signs will not pass away.


7. The Unknown Day and Hour (Matthew 24:36-44)

- Emphasis on the unknown timing of the end.

- Comparison to the days of Noah, urging constant readiness.

- Parables of two men in the field and two women grinding at the mill.

- Exhortation to stay awake and be prepared.


8. The Faithful or the Unfaithful Servant (Matthew 24:45-51)

- Parable of the faithful and unfaithful servant.

- The faithful servant is vigilant and receives reward.

- The unfaithful servant neglects duties, faces punishment, and joins the hypocrites.


Conclusion and Key Themes

- The discourse emphasizes the certainty of the coming age.

- Vigilance, readiness, and faithfulness are crucial for believers.

- Cosmic signs and global preaching of the gospel precede the end.


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