20. Notes_Gospel of Matthew_NABRE Chapter 20

 Read Chapter 20: The Gospel According to Matthew 

മത്തായി അദ്ധ്യായം- 20 P. O. C ബൈബിള്‍

Notes: Matthew Chapter 20 


The Workers in the Vineyard



- The kingdom of heaven is compared to a landowner who hired workers for his vineyard.

- This story teaches us important lessons about fairness and generosity.


1. Hiring Workers (Matthew 20: 1-2):

- At dawn, a landowner hired laborers for his vineyard.

- He agreed to pay them the usual daily wage and sent them to work.


2. Additional Hires (Matthew 20: 3-7):

- Around 9 a.m., the landowner found more workers and asked them to join.

- This happened again at noon and 3 p.m.

- Even at 5 p.m., he found more and invited them to work.


3. Payment Time (Matthew 20: 8-10):

- In the evening, the landowner told the foreman to pay the workers.

- Surprisingly, those who worked for only one hour received the same wage as the others.

- The first workers were upset, thinking they deserved more.


4. Explanation by the Landowner (Matthew 20: 11-15):

- The landowner explained that he was not being unfair.

- He gave what was agreed upon and had the right to be generous.

- The lesson: The last will be first, and the first will be last.


5. Third Prediction of the Passion (Matthew 20: 17-19):

- Jesus predicts His future suffering, crucifixion, and resurrection.

- He shares this with the twelve disciples while going to Jerusalem.


6. Request of James and John (Matthew 20: 20-23):

- The mother of James and John asks for special positions for her sons in Jesus' kingdom.

- Jesus questions if they can endure what He will go through.

- He explains that such positions are not His to give but determined by the Father.


7. Teaching on Leadership (Matthew 20: 24-28):

- The other disciples get upset, but Jesus teaches a valuable lesson.

- True greatness comes from serving others, not by exerting authority.

- The Son of Man came to serve and give His life for many.


8. Healing of Two Blind Men (Matthew 20: 29-34):

- Jesus, followed by a crowd, heals two blind men near Jericho.

- Despite warnings to be silent, the blind men persistently ask for mercy.

- Jesus, moved with pity, grants their request, and they follow Him.



- The chapter teaches us about fairness, generosity, humility, and the true meaning of leadership.

- Jesus exemplifies servanthood and emphasizes that greatness comes from serving others.



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