21. Notes_Gospel of Matthew_NABRE Chapter 21

Read Chapter 21: The Gospel According to Matthew 

മത്തായി അദ്ധ്യായം- 21 P. O. C ബൈബിള്‍


Study Notes on Matthew Chapter 21

1. The Entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11):

   - Jesus enters Jerusalem in fulfillment of the prophecy, demonstrating humility as a king.

   - He sends two disciples to bring an ass and a colt, fulfilling the prophecy from Zechariah 9:9.

   - The crowds welcome Jesus with shouts of "Hosanna," recognizing him as the Son of David.

2. The Cleansing of the Temple (Matthew 21:12-17):

   - Jesus enters the temple and drives out those buying and selling, emphasizing the sacredness of the house of prayer.

   - He quotes scripture, stating that the temple should be a house of prayer but had become a den of thieves.

   - Jesus heals the blind and the lame, causing the religious leaders to become indignant.

3. The Cursing of the Fig Tree (Matthew 21:18-22):

   - Jesus curses a fig tree for not bearing fruit, symbolizing judgment on unproductive religious leaders.

   - The disciples are amazed at the immediate withering of the tree.

   - Jesus teaches about the power of faith in prayer, emphasizing unwavering belief.

4. The Authority of Jesus Questioned (Matthew 21:23-27):

   - Religious leaders question Jesus' authority, and he responds with a counterquestion about John the Baptist's authority.

   - The leaders avoid answering, revealing their lack of spiritual insight.

   - Jesus declines to reveal his authority to them.

5. The Parable of the Two Sons (Matthew 21:28-32):

   - Jesus tells a parable about two sons: one initially refuses to work but changes his mind, while the other agrees but doesn't follow through.

   - The parable illustrates the importance of actions over mere words.

   - Tax collectors and prostitutes, often considered sinful, may enter the kingdom of God by repenting and doing the Father's will.

6. The Parable of the Tenants (Matthew 21:33-46):

   - Jesus tells a parable about a landowner who leases a vineyard to tenants but is mistreated by them.

   - The vineyard represents Israel, the tenants symbolize religious leaders, and the servants sent by the owner are the prophets.

   - The landowner's son, representing Jesus, is killed outside the vineyard, predicting Jesus' crucifixion.

Key Lessons:

   - Humility: Jesus enters Jerusalem with humility, challenging traditional expectations of a triumphant king.

   - Respect for the Sacred: Jesus emphasizes the importance of the temple as a place of prayer and condemns misuse.

   - Fruitfulness: The fig tree symbolizes the need for spiritual productivity and the consequences of spiritual barrenness.

   - Faith and Prayer: Jesus teaches the disciples about the power of faith and unwavering belief in prayer.

   - Actions Speak Louder: The parables highlight the significance of actions over empty words, emphasizing repentance and obedience.

These passages provide valuable insights into Jesus' teachings, his interactions with religious leaders, and the expectations for those who follow him.


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